Privacy Policy & Disclaimer

Cahoot Technologies is considered as a company providing services in Information & Technology sector.

You are responsible for abiding by the rules and terms set in the paragraphs below. Any violation of the terms mentioned below may result in immediate suspension and/or termination of all services currently being provided / used.

The information has been thoroughly checked before it's published on the website by client. However, we cannot guarantee that information is accurate or up to date. You are advised to contact an appropriate office by phone or email before acting upon information given on this website.

Anyone using this website and acting on information published on it does so at their own risk. The Cahoot Technologies, Ahmedabad, India shall not be held responsible for injury, damage, or loss resulting from this use. Information published on the website may be removed, edited and added to without prior warning.

Within these pages there are links to sites outside the domain. The Cahoot Technologies, Ahmedabad, India is not responsible for the content of these sites. If you feel that any linked site is offensive, inaccurate, or inappropriate in whatever way, contact so that the link can be removed while we look into it. Likewise, email the above address if you're the owner of an external site and you'd like to have a link to your site removed.

Internet is not bound to countries and physical boundaries. Anyone who is trying to send unsolicited / unauthorized mails in India or abroad will not be acceptable which directly violates our policy. We cannot accept any responsibility for injury to our clients that results from inaccurate, unsuitable or offensive Internet communications.

When clients disseminate information through the Internet, they also must keep in mind that we do not review, edit, censor or take responsibility for any information our clients may create. This places on clients what will be, for most, an unfamiliar responsibility. When users place information on the Internet, they have the same liability as other authors for copyright infringement, defamation and other harmful speech. Also, because the information they create is carried over our facilities and may reach a large number of people, including both clients and non-clients of ours, clients' postings to the Internet may affect other clients and may harm our goodwill, business reputation and operations.

On any complaint from our dedicated server provider regarding Spamming we will suspend your account immediately and depending on the investigation you may be charged our INR 50000.00 fee.

All notices about spam complaints will be sent to the email address that you signed up with or the one that we have on our record.

Unsolicited, commercial mass e-mailing, generally known as "Spamming", is a strongly disfavored practice among Internet users and hosting providers. It is particularly harmful not only because of its negative impact on consumer attitudes toward us, but also because it can overload our equipment and disrupt service to our other clients.

The Company will be the sole arbiter as to what constitutes a violation of these provisions. Customer will be face immediate account suspension and/or termination without refund, as well as further penalties for any instance that is reported to the Company.

The illegal or unauthorized accessing, generally known as "Hacking") of computers or networks carries potential civil and criminal penalties under both federal laws and the laws of most states.

Distribution of Internet Viruses, Worms, Trojan Horses and Other Destructive Activities –

Distribution of Internet viruses, worms, Trojan horses and other destructive activities, such as hacking, can result in serious civil and or criminal liability under federal and state law.

The Company provides the space and transfer limitations in good faith to our Customers so that they may create their Websites without the fear of running over their Web traffic allocation. Someone may try to take advantage of our offer and use the space and traffic in ways for which it is not intended. In the best interests of our Customers and in an effort to maintain the integrity of our service the Company may take whatever steps necessary to provide its services, and to provide for the enjoyment of such services by all of the Company clients, and to ensure that certain clients do not utilize services to the detriment of other clients. Customers with Websites who seek to take advantage of the Company unlimited storage or traffic plan in any other way, will, at the discretion of the Company, have their sites canceled and/or removed from the servers. The Company will be the sole and final arbiter as to Websites or usages of resources that constitute violation or intent to violate our policies.

As we have pointed out, the responsibility for avoiding the harmful activities just described rests primarily with the client. We will not, as an ordinary practice, monitor the communications of our clients to ensure that they comply with our policy or applicable law. When we become aware of harmful communications, however, we may take any of a variety of actions. We may remove information that violates our policies, implement screening software designed to block offending transmissions, or take any other action we deem appropriate, including termination of a client's contract with us.

We also are aware that many of our clients are, themselves, providers of hosting services, and that information reaching our facilities from those clients may have been originated by clients of those clients or other third parties. We do not require our clients who offer hosting services to monitor or censor transmissions created by clients of its clients. At the same time, clients who knowingly transmit materials that violate law or our policy are, themselves, in violation of our policy.

As a matter of prudence, however, we urge our clients to assume that all of their on-line communications are insecure. We cannot take any responsibility for the security of communications transmitted over our facilities. We will comply fully, however, with all applicable laws concerning the privacy of our clients' on-line communications. In particular, we will not intentionally monitor or disclose any private electronic mail messages sent or received by our clients unless required to do so by law. We may, however, monitor our service electronically to determine that our facilities are operating satisfactorily.

We are only providing services to the client for their website, application or any kind of the services which we are providing. We are not responsible for any copyright or content uploaded / used by the client for their purpose.

Finally, we wish to emphasize that in signing the Services Agreement, clients indemnify us for any violation of the client of the Services Agreement, or of law or corporate policies that results in loss to us or the bringing of any claim against us. This means that if we are sued because of activities of the client that violate any law, the Services Agreement or this policy, the client will pay any damages awarded against us, plus costs and reasonable attorneys' fees.

Any attempt to undermine or cause harm to the server or another client's Web presence is strictly prohibited. Any violation of the above Terms of Service will result in grounds for account termination, with no refunds given; the Company reserves the right to remove any account without prior notice. Violation of any of the above Terms of Service may result in legal action, service charges or a combination thereof. We reserve the right to permanently discontinue service at any time, without notice, should you be found in violation of our aforementioned terms and conditions.

If you have any complaints or doubts or concerns or questions, please email us at and we will try our best to help / assist you. We are always there for you but we expect our clients to be responsible members of the Internet community and in turn understand that we ourselves are working as a small organization with a team of young dedicated professionals and on a Shared Server Environment we have to look and work in the best interests of all our clients.

Cahoot Technologies Pvt. Ltd.
A-101 / 102, Siddhi Vinayak Towers,
Nr. Adani School, Off S. G. Highway,
Makarba, Ahmedabad - 380 051
Gujarat, India.